HC Deb 16 October 1952 vol 505 cc386-8
Mr. Attlee

May I ask the Leader of the House to state the business for next week?

The Lord Privy Seal (Mr. Harry Crookshank)

Yes, Sir. The business for next week will be as follows:

MONDAY, 20TH OCTOBER—Report and Third Reading:

Housing (Scotland) Bill, which we hope to obtain by about 7 o'clock.

Committee stage:

Agriculture (Calf Subsidies) Bill.

TUESDAY, 21ST OCTOBER—Second Reading:

Cinematograph Bill [Lords].

Prisons (Scotland) Bill [Lords], which is a consolidation measure;

Committee stage:

Agriculture (Poisonous Substances) Bill [Lords].

We hope to obtain the Second Reading of this Bill on Friday.

Consideration of the Motions to approve: Draft Ploughing Grants (No. 2) Scheme, and a similar Scheme for Scotland.

WEDNESDAY, 22ND OCTOBER—Report and Third Reading:

Agriculture (Calf Subsidies) Bill.

Committee stage:

Visiting Forces Bill [Lords].

Consideration of the Motions to approve:

Representation of the People (Northern Ireland) Regulations.

Civil Defence (Appropriation of Lands and Buildings) Regulations.

It may be convenient for the House to be informed that, with your permission, Mr. Speaker, a statement will be made on Korea after Questions on that day.

THURSDAY, 23RD OCTOBER, will be set apart at the request of the Opposition for a debate on the Government's White Paper relating to the iron and steel industry.

FRIDAY, 24TH OCTOBER—Committee and remaining stages:

Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust Bill [Lords.].

Committee stage:

Cinematograph Bill [Lords.].

Consideration of Lords Amendments to:

Defamation Bill.

Cockfighting Bill.

These are Private Members' Bills, for which the Government proposes to provide facilities.

It may be convenient for hon. Members to know that during the following week we desire to complete the:

Agriculture (Poisonous Substances) Bill.

Cinematograph Bill.

Prisons (Scotland) Bill.

Visiting Forces Bill.

These, of course, have come from another place.

Amendments may also be received from another place to Bills already passed by this House; and there may be other business, including a Motion to approve the Purchase Tax (No. 2) Order.

We hope to allocate two more days at the request of the Opposition for debates on Civil Aviation and on Fuel and Power, with particular reference to the Ridley Report.

It is expected that Prorogation will take place either on Thursday, 30th, or Friday, 31st October, and that the new Session will be opened by Her Majesty the Queen on Tuesday, 4th November.

Mr. Attlee

In connection with the business for Thursday, the debate on the iron and steel industry, is it the intention of the Government to put down a Motion?

Mr. Crookshank

Yes, Sir.

Sir D. Savory

May I ask my right hon. Friend whether he could not find even half an hour to discuss the Motion on the Order Paper signed by 123 hon. Members asking the Government to instruct its representatives on the United Nations to support the American delegation in bringing before the United Nations the unanimous report on the Katyn massacre by the Special Committee of the House of Representatives?

Mr. Crookshank

I am afraid not. I thought the House was rather impressed with the amount of work which we still have to do without adding to it.

Mr. Ellis Smith

The Leader of the House will agree that the forthcoming Commonwealth conference will be one of the most important held in the history of the Commonwealth. In view of that, would he consult the Prime Minister to see if it would be advisable to provide the House with an opportunity of putting forward constructive ideas for the consideration of the conference?

Mr. Crookshank

We shall be meeting again in a new Session, of course, and no doubt that matter can then be considered.

Mr. Norman Smith

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the dismay caused on his side of the House by the dropping of the Currency and Banknotes Bill?

Mr. Crookshank

I cannot say that I have noticed it.