HC Deb 24 November 1952 vol 508 cc6-7
7. Major Anstruther-Gray

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he will implement the recommendations of the Ridley Committee to expand the present scheme for assisting the installation of fuel-saving equipment before the winter is over.

17. Mr. Noel-Baker

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what steps the Government have taken to carry out the recommendation of the Ridley Committee that the present scheme for Government loans for approved fuel saving installations should be amplified on more attractive terms.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

These recommendations are under consideration, and I propose to discuss them with representatives of industry at an early date.

Major Anstruther-Gray

Arising out of that reply, which is very satisfactory, may I ask my right hon. Friend to bear in mind that there is no time to waste in pressing on with all sorts of fuel saving?

Mr. Lloyd

I quite agree, and I am arranging the meeting with the industry as soon as it is possible for them to meet.

Colonel Clarke

Will the Minister consider giving help to the manufacturers of these appliances and installations, as well as those who put them in?

Mr. Lloyd

That is an aspect which I think I ought to discuss with the industry's representatives.

Mr. Noel-Baker

In view of the fact that this is the most important single recommendation made by the Ridley Committee, will the right hon. Gentleman really try to get it carried out?

Mr. Lloyd


15. Mr. Noel-Baker

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what steps he has taken to carry out the recommendation of the Ridley Committee that the production of high-efficiency open fires of utility pattern capable of easy installation in existing fire-openings and with convection heating and a restricted throat should be encouraged.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

I understand that manufacturers are already developing designs for fires on the lines recommended by the Ridley Committee, and I shall do everything possible to encourage them to continue this work.

Mr. Noel-Baker

In view of the fact that this might save much coal and also reduce the problem of pollution, which costs a great deal every year, will the Minister take action to get this done?

Mr. Lloyd

As a matter of fact, we have taken such action in that we have already approved an appliance, but it will be many months before the manufacturers complete it.

Mr. Noel-Baker

But will the Minister see that these people get the raw materials?

Mr. Lloyd

We shall certainly endeavour to help in that respect.

Mr. Nabarro

Will the Minister bear in mind that the success of the efforts being made by the National Coal Board to sell material called "Nutty Slack," depends very much upon people having modern appliances in which to burn it?

Mr. Lloyd

It will be a great help, but the coal mentioned can be burned in other improved appliances already on sale.

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