HC Deb 11 November 1952 vol 507 cc766-7
The Prime Minister

I will, with your permission, Mr. Speaker, make a short statement.

With reference to the correspondence I recently had with the Leader and Deputy-Leader of the Opposition about television at the Coronation, I should like to inform the House that I will circulate the correspondence in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the correspondence:

10, Downing Street,


28th October, 1952.


In view of our discussions after Question time today I send you a copy of the paper which was sent on 15th July from the Secretary of the Coronation Commission to you and Morrison. You will notice that on Page 7, Paragraph 5, it is distinctly stated that the Committee's view that television should be restricted to the processions west of the Choir Screen was "fortified by the knowledge that the problem had recently been considered by the Cabinet and that the views of the Cabinet were similar to those which were expressed." This fact was also made public in the Duke of Norfolk's communiqué issued on 20th October in which he said that the decision of the Coronation Joint Executive Committee had been made "with the consent of the Coronation Commission and after receiving the advice of the Cabinet."

I had not seen the public communiqué and did not feel I had authority without consultation to reveal the opinion of any members of the Coronation Commission or the Coronation Committee of the Privy Council. Otherwise I would, of course, have said that the Cabinet's agreement with the recommendations had already been made public by the Earl Marshal.

Yours sincerely,


The Right Hon. C. R. Attlee, O.M., C.H., M.P.

A similar letter was sent to the Right Hon. HERBERT MORRISON, C.H., M.P.

House of Commons,

London, S.W.1.

29th October, 1952.


Thank you so much for sending me a copy of the report of the Coronation Committee.

I recall now that I saw this but the particular point with regard to television escaped my attention.

Yours sincerely,

(Sgd.) C. R. ATTLEE.

The Right Hon. WINSTON S. CHURCHILL., O.M., C.H., M.P.,

10, Downing Street,


House of Commons,

London, S.W.1.

29th October, 1952.


I am obliged to you for your letter and enclosure of 28th October. It is good of you to explain how the misunderstanding about the Cabinet expression of view occurred. No doubt you will clear it up when you next make a statement on TV and the Coronation.

I return herewith copy of C.C.P.C.7 you were good enough to enclose with your letter.

With regard to your inquiry, I still have the original copy (which was sent to me) in safe keeping.

Yours sincerely,


The Right Hon. W. L. S. CHURCHILL, O.M., C.H., M.P.