HC Deb 29 May 1952 vol 501 cc1660-1
55. Mr. Mulley

asked the Minister of Education if she will advise local education authorities that their university teacher's training and technical college awards should be made on the scale to be laid down for State and other awards made by her Department.

The Minister of Education (Miss Florence Horsbrugh)

As the hon. Member already knows, I shall shortly be announcing revised rates of maintenance for university students for whom my Department is directly responsible. I shall at the same time recommend these to local education authorities to be used so far as appropriate for university students to whom they make awards. There are no corresponding rates which I can recommend to local education authorities for students at technical colleges, though there are many cases in which the university rate may be appropriate. Local education authorities do not normally make awards for the maintenance of students at teacher training colleges.

Mr. Mulley

While thanking the Minister for that reply, may I ask that she will be sure, when sending out recommendations, to draw the attention of those authorities to the recommendations of her predecessor as set out in Circular A.332? Would she also direct the attention of those authorities to the desirability of the local education authority awards being of the same standard as those of her Department, and can she yet give us any indication as to when the new figures she referred to will be available?

Miss Horsbrugh

I cannot say at this moment. I hope very shortly. As I have said in the answer, we shall certainly draw the attention of the local authorities to the figures, but I should not like in any way to direct the local authorities, who have a right to make up their own minds, though I would advise and give them these examples.

Mr. Mulley

I do not want to press the Minister unduly, but does she not realise that if she carefully considers the amounts necessary to maintain a student at a university under another form of award, another student at the same university equally needs that amount of money? Surely that is a fact she could well draw to the attention of local authorities.

Miss Horsbrugh

As the hon. Member has realised those facts, perhaps the local authorities will realise them, too.

Mr. Chetwynd

Is the increased award to take effect in the next academic year?

Miss Horsbrugh

Yes, I think so.