HC Deb 29 May 1952 vol 501 c1644
28. Mr. E. Fletcher

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that, following the signature of the recent agreement with the ladies' tailoring trade for two weeks' holiday with pay, several firms have given immediate notice of dismissal to their entire staff; and whether he will take steps to prevent this violation of the agreement.

Sir W. Monckton

I am not aware of any such agreement, but the hon. Member may have in mind recent wages regulation orders settling a new basis for holiday pay. These orders, which were made to give effect to proposals of the wages councils concerned, came into force on 23rd May. I understand that there have been some dismissals among workers affected by the orders, but such dismissals do not involve an infringement of the orders.

Mr. Fletcher

Would the right hon. and learned Gentleman regard it as an infringement of the order if firms dismissed their employees and then told them that they would be re-engaged later?

Sir W. Monckton

If that endeavour were attempted I am not satisfied, as at present advised, that it would succeed. In other words. I do not think that by that method firms would evade the necessity for giving effect to the order.

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