HC Deb 26 May 1952 vol 501 cc935-6
20. Mr. Donnelly

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can yet make a further statement on the contractual arrangements being negotiated with the Federal Government of West Germany.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

The contractual agreements with the German Federal Republic were signed in Bonn today. A short Command Paper has already been placed before the House. This will be followed by a further Command Paper giving the complete text of all the agreements as soon as copies of the documents actually signed can be printed.

Mr. Donnelly

Pending the opportunity of studying this Command Paper in detail, may I ask whether the right bon. and learned Gentleman is aware that there is a very substantial body of opinion in this country which thinks that Her Majesty's Government have acted far too precipitately in this matter? Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that if their action prejudices the unification of Germany in the future, their responsibility in history will be grave and great?

Mr. Lloyd

That seems to me to be a matter for debate, and I entirely disagree with what the hon. Gentleman said.

Mr. Dalton

In the course of the White Paper, shall we have a statement about some additional military guarantee which is stated to have been given by us against the contingency of Germany withdrawing from the E.D.C.?

Mr. Lloyd

I think that is a matter which would more appropriately arise in connection with the E.D.C. Treaty.