HC Deb 20 May 1952 vol 501 cc247-9
18. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Secretary of State for War the age limit for retention upon the Class Z Reserve.

Mr. Head

I would refer my hon. Friend to my reply to a Question on this subject by the hon. Member for Small Heath (Mr. F. Longden) on 25th March this year.

Mr. Nabarro

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that circumstances are changing rapidly? There are men on the Z Reserve of 55, 57 and even 60 years of age, and in view of the competing claims of the Home Guard, Civil Defence and other forms of defence services, can my right hon. Friend expedite a decision about releasing these older men from the Z Reserve?

Mr. Head

In the reply to which I referred, I stated that no Z reservist over the age of 45 is being recalled to training this year. My only reservation is that there are certain specialists who might in exceptional circumstances have to be recalled. But any man over the age of 45 is free to join the Home Guard without any reservation whatsoever.

Mr. Shinwell

Can we be assured that men of the age referred to by the hon. Gentleman opposite are not being called up? Surely the right hon. Gentleman is not calling up for Z Reserve training men who are above 50 years of age.

Mr. Head

I have already stated that I can answer only for this year: that no man over 45 years of age is being recalled. I should not like to answer for what has happened in the past.

Mr. Shinwell

Is the Secretary of State for War aware that it was laid down quite specifically that men over the age of 45 should not be called up except in very special circumstances, and that very few cases of that kind arise? Will he inform his hon. Friend behind him that men of the age referred to by his hon. Friend are not being called up at all?

Mr. Head

I stated that they would only be called up over the age of 45 in very exceptional circumstances. For a very long time we were pressing the right hon. Gentleman to give a ruling on this matter of the age of 45. It is now abundantly clear that only in a very few exceptional cases might that happen.

Mr. Nabarro

Does my right hon. Friend realise that this Question relates to retention upon the Z Reserve, and not to the age of call-up? In order to stimulate recruiting for Civil Defence and the Home Guard, is it not desirable that the position should be made clear and that these older men should be informed that they are to be released from the Z Reserve when they get to an age substantially in excess of 45 years?

Mr. Head

This makes no difference whatever to recruiting for the Home Guard, because all these men are allowed to join the Home Guard if they are over the age of 45. It is impossible for me entirely to dispense with all liabilities for all men over 45, because of a few specialists who are absolutely vital in certain cases.

Mr. Steele

Is the Minister aware that men who join the Territorial Service after coming out of the Forces have that service counted in the period for the Z Reserve, but men in the Territorial Service prior to the war did not have that service counted for that purpose? Will he look into the matter?

Mr. Head

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Ian Harvey

Does not my right hon. Friend realise that these potential obligations are a great deterrent to many people to join? Is it not time for some clarification to be given in view of the enrolment in the Home Guard? Can he examine the situation with a view to removing all these people forthwith from the Z Reserve?

Mr. Head

I do not think it should be a deterrent. It has been made quite clear in all Regulations and announcements that any man over 45 is absolutely free to join the Home Guard without any reservation whatever.

24. Mr. Watkins

asked the Secretary of State for War to what extent it is intended to call up for training under the Z Reserve Service men who have done active service in Korea.

Mr. Head

No reservist who was called up from civilian life for service in Korea will be recalled for training this year. It may be necessary, however, to recall a few Regular reservists with Korean service who have recently completed their Colour service.