HC Deb 19 May 1952 vol 501 cc24-5
30. Colonel J. H. Harrison

asked the Minister of Food why no cattle arrived at Mr. Clark's slaughterhouse, Wickham Market, Suffolk, on 12th May; and why Mr. Clark received no notification they were not coming, after having his slaughterhouse used the previous week.

Major Lloyd George

Mr. Clark's premises and services were used as a temporary arrangement on 5th, 6th and 7th May, but as the restrictions on the movements of livestock in the district were removed on 4th May Mr. Clark was told on 5th May that his premises and services would not he required after Wednesday, 7th May.

Colonel Harrison

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend aware that this constituent of mine spent over £700 on this slaughterhouse on the instructions of the Ministry of Food; that this was the first time he was to receive any animals, and that he had no notification at all that he was not going to get them on the 12th? I visited his premises when he was expecting them, and in common courtesy he might have been told that they were not coming. Will my right hon. and gallant Friend consider opening more small slaughterhouses so that people in East Suffolk will get a better supply of meat?

Major Lloyd George

My information is not the same as my hon. and gallant Friend's, because Mr. Clark in a telephone conversation with our headquarters, said that he fully understood that his services would not be required after 7th May.

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