HC Deb 31 March 1952 vol 498 c1179
56. Mr. William A. Steward

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is aware that Mr. Geoffrey Bull, a British missionary in Tibet, has been imprisoned by the Chinese in Chungking since 1950; and what steps Her Majesty's Government are taking to ensure the release of Mr. Bull.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

Yes, Sir. Mr. Bull was detained by the Chinese forces during operations in Tibet on 19th October, 1950. Her Majesty's Chargéd' Affaires at Peking has made representations to the Chinese authorities on no less than eleven different occasions. All attempts to secure his release or to obtain access to or information about him have however proved unavailing. So far as I am aware no charges have been preferred against him. Every effort will continue to be made through all possible channels to obtain his release and repatriation.

Mr. Steward

Will the Minister consider asking the Indian Government for their assistance in this matter?

Mr. Lloyd

That is a suggestion which I will certainly bear in mind.