HC Deb 17 March 1952 vol 497 cc1919-20
44. Mr. Kenneth Thompson

asked the Minister of Transport if he has considered a report on the freight-handling industry prepared by the Aims of Industry Limited, a copy of which has been sent to him; and if he will now initiate discussions with the trades unions and employers' organisations concerned, together with the National Dock Labour Board, to secure improvements in the rate of cargo handling at British ports.

Mr. Maclay

I have a copy of this report. As I indicated in my answer to Questions by my hon. Friend the Member for Woolwich, West (Mr. Steward) and other hon. Members on 3rd March, my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Co-ordination of Transport, Fuel and Power and I have been giving this matter our urgent consideration and, following my right hon. Friend's announcement in another place on 11th March, the Ports Efficiency Committee, has been set up to investigate port working in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Thompson

While thanking my hon. Friend for his answer and the sympathetic attention which he has given to this problem, may I draw his attention to the great urgency of this matter, and particularly to the report of the Liverpool Steamship Owners' Association which was issued a few days ago, which stresses the urgency of this same point?

Mr. Maclay

My hon. Friend will realise, I am sure, that my right hon. Friend's statement means that we fully recognise the urgency of the situation.

Mr. R. J. Mellish

Is the Minister aware that there is disquiet about some of the appointments to this committee? Not one member of this committee is a dock worker. I should also like to know why this statement has come from another place and not from this House of Commons where Questions could have been asked on this matter last week.

Mr. Maclay

I feel that the composition of the committee is as good as it could possibly be in the circumstances. It is a very strong body, and I would point out in addition that there will be consultations between that committee and the interested parties throughout the proceedings.

Mr. John Paton

Is it not the case that Aims of Industry Ltd. is merely an instrument for the dissemination of Tory propaganda, and that it does not help in a difficult question of this kind to give special publicity to such partisan opinion?

Mr. Thompson

Is it not a fact that all the statements contained in the report prepared by Aims of Industry Ltd. are nevertheless true and are supported by evidence?

Mr. Speaker

This seems to be a matter for debate.

Mr. Mellish

In view of the very unsatisfactory nature of the reply, and the fact that it will not do the docks industry a great deal of good, I wish to give notice that I will raise the matter on the Adjournment at the first opportunity.

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