HC Deb 17 March 1952 vol 497 cc1918-9
67. Mr. Stephen McAdden

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will consider adding the name of Mr. Barry Flaxman, Southend, to the East Anglian Transport Consultative Committee.

Mr. H. Hynd

On a point of order. This Question is no doubt in order, in view of the fact that it passed the Table, but, Mr. Speaker, would you care to give your guidance on whether it is a desirable sort of Question to go on to the Order Paper? Does it not open the door to all sorts of undesirable nominations?

Mr. Speaker

The Question is clearly in order, and I would rather await until I have heard the answer before I give my Ruling. I know nothing about it myself, and hon. Members are themselves responsible for the propriety of Questions which they put on the Order Paper.

Mr. Maclay

The answer to the Question is as follows:

If my hon. Friend will send me particulars of this gentleman's qualifications, I will consider them when a vacancy next occurs on the Committee.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Would it not be better for appointments of this kind to be filled through the Ministry of Labour employment exchanges rather than through Questions to the Minister?

Mr. Maclay

The answer which I have given is precisely the answer which I should have given to any hon. Member who put down a similar Question.

Mr. McAdden

Is the Minister not aware that the gentleman named in this Question is a prominent official of the Railway Travellers' Association, indeed well known to the Ministry of Transport? Would it not be desirable to choose such a person, who could represent the views of those who travel on this railway, some of whom are spending 25 per cent. of their wages on railway fares?

Mr. E. Shinwell

Has the Minister any information to the effect that the gentlemen whose name is suggested is a member of the Conservative Party in Southend?

Mr. Maclay

No, Sir. I was giving a completely genuine reply when I said I had no knowledge whatsoever of this gentleman's qualifications.

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