HC Deb 12 March 1952 vol 497 cc1380-1
48. Captain Robert Ryder

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Defence the basis on which pensions for long service are calculated.

Mr. Birch

Long-service pensions for the Armed Forces represent the sum of two elements. One is calculated on the length of a man's total reckonable service. The other depends on his length of service, if any, in the ranks of leading rating or corporal and above. In addition, there is now a terminal grant, also based on rank and service, to help with resettlement. Details are given in the Appendices to Cmd. 6715 of December, 1945, and Cmd. 8323 of July, 1951

Captain Ryder

Will my hon. Friend bear in mind that two rates of pension are payable, that those who retired before September, 1950, get a lower rate than those who retire now, and that that particularly affects those who served during two wars? Will my hon. Friend consider how this anomaly can best be put right?

Mr. Birch

My hon. and gallant Friend will have heard the remarks on this subject made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer during his Budget speech. At the moment I have nothing to add to what my right hon. Friend said then.