HC Deb 11 March 1952 vol 497 c1249
21. Mr. Cyril Bence

asked the Minister of Labour the number of applications for exemption from the National Service Act, on grounds of conscience, received in Scotland, and the number rejected during the month of January.

Sir W. Monckton

Four applications to be registered as conscientious objectors were heard during January, of which one was rejected. In two of the cases accepted, the men were made liable to be called up for non-combatant duties.

Mr. Bence

Is the Minister aware that Mr. James Alexander Troup of Edinburgh, a qualified school teacher, who was accepted and registered as a conscientious objector, has been drafted to work for the Forestry Commission? Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman of opinion that the employment of a school teacher in the Forestry Commission is of greater national importance than school teaching?

Sir W. Monckton

I will, of course, look carefully into any individual case which the hon. Member brings to my notice. I point out, however, that the decision in this case rests not with me but with the tribunal, in whose hands Parliament laid it.