HC Deb 03 March 1952 vol 497 cc23-4
40. Miss Elaine Burton

asked the Minister of Supply if he will control the selling price of secondhand cars.

Mr. Sandys

No, Sir. This would not be practicable.

Miss Burton

I do not know if the right hon. Gentleman ever has time to go along St. Martin's Lane, but may I ask if he is aware that if he had gone along that lane in the past fortnight he would have seen in a showroom there a September, 1951, Ford Consul, mileage 500, selling for £1,475? Is he aware that the list price of that same car today, including Purchase Tax, is £717 1s. 1d., and does he agree that that should be be allowed?

Mr. Sandys

I have not been for a walk along St. Martin's Lane, but I am quite ready to accompany the hon. Lady. As for her Question, I am advised that, short of engaging an army of inspectors at a very great expense, it would be quite impossible to devise a scheme which would not be open to wholesale evasion.

Miss Burton

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I should be delighted to accept his invitation and that I hope it will not empty the showrooms along St. Martin's Lane? Does he know, further, that had he gone to these same showrooms in January he would have found there a November, 1951, Vauxhall, mileage 745, selling at £1,485, and that the selling price today, including tax, is £802?

Mr. Sandys

It seems that the hon. Lady and I would have to go there regularly.