HC Deb 03 March 1952 vol 497 cc21-3
36. Mr. David Jones

asked the Minister of Transport what representations he has received from the railway trade unions about the dismissal of hundreds of skilled craftsmen from the railway workshops because of the shortage of raw materials, particularly steel, and about the effect on railway workshop efficiency of the break-up of the labour force; and what steps he proposes to take to remedy this state of affairs.

38. Mr. A. J. Champion

asked the Minister of Transport what steps he is taking to secure a sufficient allocation of steel to enable the Transport Commission to proceed with necessary renewals of railway equipment and to prevent a further loss of skilled staff from the railway workshops.

Mr. Maclay

In January the National Union of Railwaymen made representations to me in general terms on this subject. My colleagues and I are naturally concerned about the effect of shortages of raw materials on the efficiency of the railways and on railway staffs. I can assure the hon. Members that the Government fully appreciate the extent of the railways' needs and as soon as it is possible their supplies will be increased.

Mr. Jones

Does the Minister realise that the increasing inefficiency in the railway service is largely due to the shortage of steel precluding the Commission from bringing' up-to-date their rolling stock? The shortage of steel is causing the break-up of the qualified labour force which was got together to build rolling stock if they could get the steel.

Mr. Maclay

I realise the serious consequences of the shortage of steel, but we have to remember that this applies to other industries as well. The railways are kept very fully in mind at all times.

Mr. William Ross

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the break-up of the skilled labour force will be greatly increased in Scotland by the deliberate closing of a century-old railway workshop in Kilmarnock? Will he look into this matter very quickly, because it will eventually affect the whole of Scotland?

Mr. Maclay

The hon. Member will realise that under the 1947 Act, detailed decisions on individual works is a matter for the Transport Commission and the Railway Executive.

Mr. Ross

Does not the Minister realise that this is a matter of policy on centralisation which will affect not only one area but Scotland as well, and that he will be landed with a considerable amount of trouble on his shoulders if it is not looked into quickly?

Mr. Maclay

The policy of centralisation is certainly not the fault of this Government.

Mr. Ross

If the hon. Gentleman is opposed to centralisation, why does he not do something about it?

Mr. Jones

The Minister cannot ride off in the way he has just done. Is he aware that what is wrong with railway workshops is cuts in the allocation of steel, not only in Scotland, but in this country as well, and that they are having to discharge hundreds of skilled men?

Mr. Maclay

My previous reply was directed to the supplementary question from the hon. Member for Kilmarnock (Mr. Ross). I have said that we are very conscious indeed of the consequences of the shortage of steel for the railways, and the Government are determined to do what they can, in relation to other priorities, to meet the needs of the railways.

37. Mr. D. Jones

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that more than 100,000 wagons still in use are about 40 years of age; that many passenger coaches and locomotives are of the same age; that their maintenance in service is inefficient; that the allocation of steel to the Railway Executive is insufficient to meet their day-to-day replacement needs; and what steps he is taking to see that additional supplies are made available.

Mr. Maclay

Yes, Sir. We are fully aware of the railways' needs and are most concerned that they cannot at present be met, but steel supplies are so short that no users have all they need, even for essential purposes. While the railways' allocation of steel compares not unfavourably with the allocations for other essential uses, the urgent need to improve their allocation as soon as possible is fully recognised.

Mr. Jones

Is the Minister aware that as these vehicles continue to operate the standard of efficiency of the railways diminishes, that more steel is being allocated to certain other industries than is required, and that there will be repetitions of the kind of accident that occurred at Bury unless greater supplies of steel are allocated to the industry?