HC Deb 30 June 1952 vol 503 cc24-5
36. Mr. Cocks

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has yet received any satisfactory reply to the representations made to President Syngman Rhee in relation to the imposition of martial law and the arrest of members of the Korean Assembly.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

President Rhee replied on 11th June to Her Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires' Note of 4th June, giving reasons for his recent action. On 15th June I had an interview with President Rhee. On 16th June the Minister of Defence and I saw President Rhee together. I shall give some account of those interviews and of the political situation in South Korea in my statement to the House tomorrow.

Mr. Cocks

Is it not a fact that since this Question was put down more arrests have been made by the President? As he is deliberately defying the United Nations, who are keeping him in power, will the right hon. and learned Gentleman consider reporting the matter to a special meeting of the Assembly with a view to the Assembly informing the President that if he does not act in a constitutional manner the United Nations will consider ceasing to defend his country?

Mr. Lloyd

This is a matter which I propose to raise in my statement tomorrow and perhaps the hon. Member would care to wait until then.