HC Deb 30 June 1952 vol 503 cc1-2
1. Mr. Swingler

asked the Minister of Supply how many workers at the Royal Ordnance factory at Radway Green have been declared redundant in the past six months; how many have asked to be declared redundant; and how many new workers have been taken on in the same period.

The Minister of Supply (Mr. Duncan Sandys)

The answer to the first two parts of the Question is "None, Sir." Six hundred and fifty-two workers have been taken on.

Mr. Swingler

Is the Minister aware that according to several of my constituents he has been misinformed? Is he aware that several workers have been made redundant in the Admiralty branch of the factory, and that some workers have asked to be declared redundant because they are fed up with the waste of time and money that goes on in some of the departments of the factory?

Mr. Sandys

I do not know what the hon. Member means by workers asking to be declared redundant. If it means resignation that is, of course, another matter. During the last six months, about 200 workers out of a total strength of some 3,300 have resigned from the factory for domestic and other reasons. That turnover of labour is well below the average for the engineering industry as a whole.

Mr. Swingler

Will the Minister explain why some of the workers at the factory are asked to stay on there although they are idle for as long as three weeks?

Mr. Sandys

That is quite a different question.