HC Deb 26 June 1952 vol 502 cc2416-7
15. Mr. Chapman

asked the Minister of Education whether she will suggest to local education authorities that they should maintain, in 1952–53, the present number of university awards as well as increasing their value; and whether she will consider favourably any supplementary estimate which local education authorities now find necessary to achieve that end.

Miss Horsbrugh

I am sending the hon. Member a copy of a circular on this matter which I issued last week.

Mr. Chapman

Is the Minister aware that, despite several Questions to her, we still have not got policy clear on this matter? Will she state quite clearly and categorically whether it is her policy to take all necessary steps to keep up the total number of public awards for university education? She has not yet given that assurance to the House.

Miss Horsbrugh

I have made it clear in the circular that I have only just sent out, having gone into the matter very carefully, that I have not asked for any economy whatever in the subject of awards. I do not think that it can be kept entirely by numbers, because it depends from year to year on how many people have come up to the standard at which they could profit by a university education. I think hon. Members would agree that to lay down an exact number for each education authority would not be the best way of doing it. I have asked for no economy whatsoever.