HC Deb 25 June 1952 vol 502 cc2234-5
27. Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what steps Her Majesty's Government are taking to stop the sale of Abadan oil, pending the final decision of the International Court at The Hague.

Mr. Nutting

I would refer the right hon. and learned Gentleman to the answer I gave the hon. Member for Gloucestershire, West (Mr. Philips Price) on 11th June. The steps which might be taken would, naturally, depend on the circumstances of each case.

Mr. Henderson

Has the hon. Gentleman seen the statement in the "Daily Telegraph" and other newspapers that certain American and Italian oil interests are entering into an arrangement with the Persian Government? If so, will he not agree that so long as the interim judgment of the International Court of Justice remains effective it is the duty of all members of the United Nations, under the Charter, to restrain their nationals from flouting a decision of that Court?

Mr. Nutting

I am most grateful to the right hon. and learned Gentleman for his most helpful supplementary, with which I agree.

Mr. Shinwell

No doubt the hon. Member is in agreement, but what we are concerned about is whether the hon. Gentleman is aware that there is circumstantial evidence that certain American interests are behind this attempt to dispose of Persian oil, in spite of the matter being before the International Court? Would the hon. Gentleman say whether he is aware of these facts—if they are facts? Can we have some information about them?

Mr. Nutting

I agree that there have been some disquieting Press comments to this effect in our newspapers, but Her Majesty's Government have no confirmation whatever that American companies are attempting to dispose of Persian oil.

Mr. Shinwell

If statements appear in the British Press which convey the impression that American business interests are behind the disposal of Persian oil, would it not be wise to have the matter confirmed or denied by the State Department in Washington?

Mr. Nutting

I think the answers which I have given today will help to deny the rumours which have been circulated.