HC Deb 24 June 1952 vol 502 cc2020-1
21. Mr. Collick

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what representations have been made to him objecting to the closing down of the West Cheshire Rent Tribunal; and what replies were made thereto.

Mr. H. Macmillan

The representations were, broadly, that the tribunal was doing good work, that intending applicants would have to incur greater expense in attending the offices of the new and more distant tribunal, that the new tribunal would do the work less satisfactorily and would not have the specialised rural knowledge of the old. The replies given were that the volume of work did not justify the continued separate existence of the tribunal, and that no additional expense would be placed on intending applicants since the tribunal itself would do the travelling.

Mr. Collick

Is the Minister aware that everybody in Lancashire and Cheshire who speaks with knowledge and authority on the work of the rent tribunals is opposed to the number of abolitions of these tribunals which the Minister has decided upon, and will he not even now, at this late hour, allow the County of Cheshire to retain at least one rent tribunal?

Mr. Macmillan

I understand that the hon. Gentleman and some other hon. Gentlemen are coming to see me on this matter, and I of course shall give all consideration to anything they may say, but I still think it better to make the tribunals mobile and have fewer of them than have rather more of them and have them static.