HC Deb 24 June 1952 vol 502 cc2027-8
31. Colonel Clarke

asked the Minister of Works if he will arrange for the removal, as soon as possible, of the concrete gun emplacement erected on church property at St. Michael and All Angels' Parish Church, Jarvis Brook, Sussex, at the beginning of the war for which no rent or compensation has ever been received.

Mr. Eccles

The removal of this gun emplacement is not considered necessary in the public interest and is not, therefore, the concern of my Department. It is open to the Church Council to claim the compensation which is payable from the War Department and to make their own arrangements.

Colonel Clarke

Does not my right hon. Friend realise that the presence of a gun emplacement close to a church door is not only an eyesore but singularly inappropriate, and that to meet an estimate of £118 which has been given to remove it is quite beyond the means of a small parish? Surely some grant could be made from public funds now that the war is over.

Mr. Eccles

The decision as to what temporary defence works it is best to remove in the public interest lies with the Temporary Defence Works Committee, and unless they recommend me to remove this emplacement, I cannot do it. I have great sympathy with the Church Council in this matter, but it is impossible to remove all the scars of six years of war.

Colonel Clarke

Even if all cannot be removed, cannot preference be given to the removal of one which is so near to a church?