HC Deb 18 June 1952 vol 502 c1507
1.—(1) As respects the period up to the end of the thirteenth day of May, nineteen hundred and fifty-two, Part I of this Schedule shall be modified as follows.
(2)In the division relating to men's or boys' wear, for paragraph 19 there shall be substituted the following paragraph:—
"19. Boots and bootees:
(a) articles which are either unlined or lined only with cotton fabric or leather, and are not made wholly or partly of fur or imitation fur 3 0 0 per pair
(1 10 0 per article)
(b) articles of any other description 2 0 0 per pair
(1 0 0 per article)."
and in paragraph 21 for the amounts specified in the second column there shall be substituted 15s. 0d. per pair (7s. 6d. per article).
(3)In the division relating to women's or girls' wear, for paragraph 22 there shall be substituted the following paragraph:—
"22. Boots and bootees:
(a)articles which are either unlined or lined only with cotton fabric or leather, and are not made wholly or partly of fur or imitation fur 3 0 0 per pair
(1 10 0 per article)
(b) articles of any other description 1 17 0 per pair
(18 6 per article)."
(4)In the division relating to women's or girls' wear, the following substitutions shall be made in the amounts specified in the second column:—
(a) in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 1, for £12 0 0 substitute £6 10 0;
(b) in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 3, for £8 0 0 substitute £4 0 0;
(c) in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 4, for £4 10 0 substitute £1 0 0;
(d)in paragraph 27, for £4 10 0 substitute £1 0 0.
2.—(1) As respects the period up to the end of the second day of June, nineteen hundred and fifty-two, Part II of this Schedule shall be modified by substituting 4s. 0d. per sq. yd. for 6s. 0d. per sq. yd. in the second column in sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 1, sub-paragraphs (b)and (c) of paragraph 3 and sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph 4.
(2) As respects the period beginning with the third day of June, nineteen hundred and fifty-two, and ending with the seventeenth day of that month the said Part II shall also be modified by inserting in sub-paragraph (6) of paragraph 1 and in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 3 after the words "Class C material "the words" of a weight per square yard, exclusive of non-permanent loading, of not less than 6 ozs.", and by omitting in sub-paragraph (d) of those paragraphs the words "other than Class C material".

This is a consequential Amendment to that moved by my right hon. Friend in page 11, line 33. It makes detailed interim arrangements for the tax in respect of those articles on which tax has been varied during the consideration of the Bill.

Amendment agreed to.

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