HC Deb 18 June 1952 vol 502 cc1192-3
38. Mrs. Mann

asked the Minister of Food the amount of price increase as it affects maximum and minimum classes of beef and mutton.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Dr. Charles Hill)

The price increases on the lower and higher qualities vary according to type and cut. I will, with permission, place in the Library of the House a list of the old and new retail prices for beef and mutton showing the increase per lb. for each cut.

Mrs. Mann

While thanking the hon. Gentleman for placing the increases in the Library, may I ask if he is aware that it is quite impossible for the housewife to go to the Library to find out if she is being correctly charged? Is he also aware that there is no butcher in Britain who places price tickets on the cuts of meat?

Dr. Hill

It will not be necessary for housewives to visit the Library, as it is a requirement by law that the prices should be exhibited in every butcher's shop.

Mr. Beswick

Can the Minister arrange to do another broadcast about this?

Mr. Speaker

That does not strictly arise out of the Question.

39. Mrs. Mann

asked the Minister of Food what percentage of bone and fat is permitted in the weekly ration; and what price the purchaser must pay for same.

Dr. Hill

The proportion of fat and bone naturally varies not only between each carcase but also between individual cuts from the same carcase. The fat and bone content of any cut of meat is sold at the scheduled price for that cut.

Mrs. Mann

Can the Minister tell us where we can see the schedule prices for fat and bone, and is he aware that three-quarters of the ration is made up of fat and bone? Would he bring back the advice, "Don't blame your butcher; blame the Radio Doctor"?

Dr. Hill

The scheduled price for each cut, including such meat, bone and fat as Nature has implanted in the body, is exhibited in every shop.