HC Deb 18 June 1952 vol 502 c1190
34. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what report has been made by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in respect of world requirements, supply and distribution of D.D.T.; and to what extent a shortage still exists.

Mr. Nutting

The Economic and Social Council has not itself so far reported on this question. A working party set up to examine the position has, however, reported to the Council that no significant shortage of D.D.T. exists.

Mr. Sorensen

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that a report was promised some time ago when there was a shortage of D.D.T. in some parts of the world whilst there was a lot in other parts, and in those circumstances can he assure the House that D.D.T. is available now for all those places where it is urgently required?

Mr. Nutting

I am told that there are still certain difficulties, mainly of an administrative character, which arise out of the purchasing procedure by Governments, but apart from that no significant shortage exists, as has been reported by the Working Party

Mr. Noel-Baker

Does that mean that no shortage for the present users of this commodity exists, or does it mean that if it is used as it ought to be used in many other places and for many other purposes there would still be enough?

Mr. Nutting

It means that the manufacturing capacity is still considerably in excess of demand.