HC Deb 18 June 1952 vol 502 c1397

1.15 a.m.

The Solicitor-General

I beg to move, in page 21, line 11, after "thereto," to insert if it is expenditure which is, apart from this section, allowed to be deducted in computing, for the purposes of income tax, the profits or gains of that trade. In the course of the Committee stage, questions were asked about the application of Clause 18 (2, b). I explained that the purpose of the subsection was to make certain that the same expenditure could not be deducted twice. Doubt was felt whether that emerged clearly from the wording, and this Amendment is a matter of drafting to make clear what the object of the subsection is, and to ensure that the same expenditure cannot be twice deducted.

Amendment agreed to.