HC Deb 16 June 1952 vol 502 cc904-6

Motion made, and Question proposed," That the Clause stand part of the Bill."

Lieut-Colonel Marcus Lipton (Brixton)

There are one or two questions I want to put to the Minister in order to elicit a little more information than has so far been vouchsafed. I hope my request does not meet with the same fate as a similar request the other day, when I sought information, supported by my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Northampton (Mr. Paget), but before the information was provided, the Closure was moved. I hope that will not happen on this occasion.

The point I want to put has regard to the expenses of administration. It is made clear in the Financial Memorandum to the Bill that the administrative costs are estimated at £30,000 in the year 1952–53. It is, of course, quite understandable that, in connection with a Measure of this kind, certain administrative expenditure has to be imposed.

What I should like to know is whether this increase in the administrative expenditure arises from the further employment of civil servants by the Minister. Or will it be necessary to add to the staffs of the county agricultural executive committees? Will further motor vehicles, for example, be necessary to enable either the existing staffs or additional members of the staffs to be appointed to get round for the purpose of carrying out the necessary inspection that, of course, will have to be carried out under this Measure— even if they are inquiries in terrorem,as my hon. and learned Friend pointed out a little earlier?

I think that, as custodians of the public purse, we ought to have a little more information than has so far been given. I have no doubt that either the Minister or the Parliamentary Secretary will be able to give this little additional information for which we ask, and to which, I submit with all due respect, this Committee is entitled.

Mr. Nugent

The amount of £30,000 which has been included for administrative expenses is relatively small in relation to the total sum. Few additional civil servants will be required in the administration. It works in relatively conveniently with the existing staffs at the county committee level. I rather fancy that, practically speaking, no additional staff will be required. The greater part of the additional expense is on account of the necessary application forms which must be sent, postages, and so on, and a certain amount of additional travelling for the checking up; but, broadly, the picture is that the existing staffs will be able to cope with the greater part of the work, and very little additional manpower will be required.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clause 5 ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Bill reported, with Amendments; as amended, to be considered Tomorrow, and to be printed. [Bill 116.]