HC Deb 30 July 1952 vol 504 cc1448-50

Standing Order 2, line 2, after "same," insert "headed by the short title of the bill and."

Standing Order 2A, line 6, leave out from "petition," to "shall," in line 7.

Standing Order 38, line 1, at beginning, insert "In the case of."

Line 1, leave out from "bill," to "printed," in line 5.

Line 6, leave out "every such," and insert "the."

Line 7, leave out "same date," and insert "twenty-seventh day of November."

Standing Order 39, line 12, leave out "and."

Line 13, at end, insert "and at the office of the Duchy of Lancaster."

Line 63, leave out from "affecting," to first "the," in line 64.

Line 65, leave out "in question."

Standing Order 70, line 2, leave out "a personal bill or."

Line 6, leave out "inquire," and insert "report to the House."

Line 8, leave out from "applicable," to first "have," in line 10.

Standing Order 73, line 2, leave out from "shall," to "stand," in line 3.

Leave out lines 11 to 16.

Standing Order 74, line 4, leave out from "withdrawn," to "after."

Standing Order 90, line 7, leave out from "require," to end of line 11.

Standing Order 111, line 19, leave out from "petition," to "or," in line 22, and insert" in which the petitioner prays to be heard against the bill has been presented on or before the date by which such petition must be presented in order to entitle the petitioner to be heard before the committee on the bill, and has not been withdrawn."

Standing Order 126, leave out line 11.

Standing Order 136, line I, at beginning, insert "It is hereby declared that."

Standing Order 151, line 10, after "the," insert "intended."

Standing Order 156, line 7, leave out "regulations," and insert "matters."

Standing Order 167, line 5, after "of," insert "such."

Standing Order 179, line 4, leave out "the members," and insert "Members of the House."

Standing Order 194, line 4, after "Petitions," insert "for Private Bills."

Standing Order 212, line 11, leave out "duplicates," and insert "copies."

Standing Order 215, line 11, after "Referees)," insert "(Right of audience before Court of Referees)."

Standing Order 217, line 2, leave out from "Selection," to "subject," in line 10, and insert (2) Standing Orders 110 to 122, 124 to 138, 140, 141, 145, 199 to 200 and 210 shall, so far as they are applicable, apply as respects confirming bills as if they were private bills.

Leave out lines 21 to 24.

Line 37, at end, add— (3) The committee on a confirming bill shall report in respect of each order or certificate to be confirmed by the bill whether the same ought to be confirmed.

Standing Order 220, line 56, at end, insert— ( ) Parties shall be entitled to appear and to be heard upon a memorial complaining of a non-compliance with the standing orders provided that such memorial has been deposited in the Private Bill Office before noon on the day before that appointed for the examination of the bill, together with two copies of the memorial for the use of the Examiners.

Standing Order 224, line 17, at end, insert— ( ) Parties shall be entitled to appear and to be heard by themselves or their agents upon a memorial addressed to the Examiners alleging that the standing orders are applicable to the bill and have not been complied with provided that such memorial has been deposited in the Private Bill Office before noon on the day before that appointed for the examination of the bill, together with two copies of the memorial for the use of the Examiners; and the member in charge of the bill shall be entitled to be heard by himself or his agents.

Line 45, leave out "of Examiners," and insert "from the Examiner."

Line 46, leave out "of Examiners," and insert "from the Examiner."

Standing Order 232, line 10, after "part," insert "thereof."

Line 21, leave out "and substituted bills."

Standing Order 236, line 2, after "Lords," insert "in which any amendment has been made on third reading in that House."

Standing Order 239A, line 7, leave out "duplicates," and insert "copies."

Standing Order 247, line 3, leave out "237 to 248A," and insert "239 to 241, 243, 244 and 248."

Table of Fees, page 260, line 18, at beginning, insert "Personal."

Line 18, after "bills," insert "brought."

Line 18, leave out certified under Standing Order 3."

Page 261, line 30, leave out "Chapter VIII," and insert "Standing Order 237."

Line 32, leave out "Government Department," and insert "Minister."

Line 34, leave out "Government Department," and insert "Minister."