HC Deb 30 July 1952 vol 504 cc1456-7
9. Mr. H. Hynd

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the statements made by Major McKee, Northern Rhodesian Commissioner, in London, on 29th May, to which his attention has been drawn, and which seek to question the policy of the development of trade unions and co-operatives in Northern Rhodesia, represent the attitude of Her Majesty's Government.

Mr. Lyttelton

The policy of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and of the Northern Rhodesian Government is to encourage the development of trade unions and co-operatives in the territory. Major McKee, in the speech to which the hon. Member refers, made it clear that he was speaking in a personal capacity.

Mr. Hynd

Is it not traditional and very desirable that a gentleman in this position, which is a semi-diplomatic one, should not ventilate his personal political prejudices on any occasion but should stick strictly to a neutral attitude on political questions?

Mr. Lyttelton

This gentleman is a servant of the Northern Rhodesia Government.

Mr. Dugdale

The Northern Rhodesian Government comes directly under the responsibility of the right hon. Gentleman. Will he make it quite clear that he does not agree with the expression of views made by this gentleman?

Mr. Lyttelton

I have already said what the policies of Her Majesty's Government and the Northern Rhodesian Government are, which conflict with the views expressed by this gentleman.