HC Deb 28 July 1952 vol 504 cc1083-4
33. Mr. Russell

asked the Minister of Food if he is satisfied with the operation of the International Wheat Agreement, especially in view of the reduction in the acreage under wheat in the chief exporting countries.

Dr. Hill

The present Agreement has certainly been of benefit to this country. The fall since 1949 in the wheat acreage of the principal exporting countries cannot be ascribed simply to the Agreement. Other factors, such as the high prices of wool and course grains, have obviously had an influence on the wheat acreage.

Mr. Russell

Does not my hon. Friend agree that it is unfortunate that the acreage in the exporting countries should fall? When a new agreement is being negotiated will he bear in mind the need to take steps to conserve it?

Dr. Hill

Yes, Sir. This argument is used with vigour by the exporting countries, but it is clear that there are other complicating factors which lead to the conclusion that price and acreage are not directly related.