HC Deb 23 July 1952 vol 504 cc505-6
3. Mr. Marlowe

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Defence how many retired officers of the three Services did not qualify for the last pension or retired pay increase by reason of the fact that their date of retirement was prior to September, 1950; and what would be the cost of granting them an increase proportionate to that granted to the officers who qualified because their retirement date was after September. 1950.

Mr. Birch

The number of officers of the three Services in receipt of retired pay who did not qualify for the increases announced in Cmd. 8323 is about 29,000. As I informed the hon. Member for Newcastle-under-Lyme (Mr. Swingler) on 30th June, it would cost annually about £2,100,000 to raise the rates of retired pay of these officers to the rates applicable to those who retired after 1st September, 1950

Mr. Marlowe

Is my hon. Friend aware that this discrimination in the rate of pension between people who retired before and after a certain date is a principle which is not accepted in any other form of Government service and that it is monstrously unfair? Has my hon. Friend represented to his noble Friend the general feeling in all quarters of the House the last time I raised this matter and, if he has not, will he do so, because he will certainly find trouble from this side of the House if he does not?

Mr. Birch

As my hon. and learned Friend knows, this matter has been raised very often in the House. My noble Friend received a Parliamentary delegation from all parties last Monday upon this subject when the case put by my hon. and learned Friend was forcibly expressed.

Mr. Marlowe

But will something be done about it?