HC Deb 15 July 1952 vol 503 c1959
22. Mr. M. MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland which water supply schemes in the Outer Hebrides have been, or are being, developed without sewerage schemes.

Commander Galbraith

For the areas of five water schemes the county councils concerned have not so far submitted definite proposals for public drainage schemes, or have provided or proposed such schemes for only parts of the areas. These schemes are: Borrosdale and Northton, in Harris; Lochboisdale to Daliburgh (South Uist), and Balallan and Eye Peninsula, in Lewis.

Mr. MacMillan

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that in Sutherlandshire considerable embarrassment has been caused through water supply schemes going ahead without sewage disposal schemes going on at the same time, and perhaps a word from him to the other local authorities to be on their guard against that mistake might be very helpful?