HC Deb 15 July 1952 vol 503 c1951
6. Mr. Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what response he has had from local education authorities in Scotland to his circular calling for economies in educational expenditure.

Mr. Henderson Stewart

Twenty-six out of 35 authorities have so far intimated their proposals for economies in response to the circular. The total amount of these economies, so far as they have been specified, represents a reduction of £150,000 in the expenditure which otherwise would have been incurred.

Mr. Hamilton

Could the hon. Gentleman indicate what fraction this is of the total educational expenditure. Would he consider circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT the names of these 26 local authorities together with details of such economies as they have made? Alternatively, would the hon. Gentleman consider sending me a copy, because I happen to be vitally interested?

Mr. Stewart

I think I can do what the hon. Member asks in the latter part of his question. I have no actual percentage in answer to the first part but, as he knows, it would be very small in comparison with the total expenditure in Scotland.

Mr. Hamilton

Nothing like 5 per cent.?

Mr. Stewart


Mr. Woodburn

Would the hon. Gentleman caution education authorities not to make false economies such as would stop the proper cleaning and painting of schools at a time when painters are out on the street unemployed?

Mr. Stewart

Yes, Sir. I think that is a very reasonable suggestion.