HC Deb 10 July 1952 vol 503 cc1515-6
41. Mr. Follick

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he has yet given consideration to the petition put forward over two years ago by the hon. Member for Loughborough to raise the status of Loughborough College in such a manner as to allow it to award the degree of Doctor of Engineering and to put it on a par with the Charlottenburgh Technological High School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

I can find no trace of any such petition, but shall be glad to see a copy.

Mr. Follick

Is the Minister aware of the tremendous importance to this country of the reputation of Loughborough College, one of the greatest engineering teaching establishments in the world? People come to Loughborough College from Abyssinia, the Near East and Central America, and is not—

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member must not abuse Question time by making a speech. If he has a supplementary Question to put, I shall be glad if he will put it.

Mr. Follick

Is the Minister aware that by giving this right to Loughborough College he would be putting it on a par with Charlottenburgh and Massachusetts and giving this country great advantages in the engineering world?

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

That may well be so, but what the hon. Member asked me was whether I had considered a petition. My answer is that I have not seen the petition, but if the hon. Member will send it to me I will gladly consider it.