HC Deb 09 July 1952 vol 503 c1303
31. Mrs. Mann

asked the Minister of Food what regulations he has made regarding what may be used as ingredients in sausages.

Major Lloyd George

The principal change which I introduced by the Meat Products (No. 2) Order, 1952, was to abolish the provision for reckoning skimmed milk powder and vegetable fats as part of the minimum meat content.

Mrs. Mann

Does the right hon. and gallant Gentleman realise that that very negative procedure in regard to the component parts of the sausage leaves the door wide open—[Laughter]—leaves the sausage skin open to be filled in, as I am told by my constituents, with breast of lamb which is 1s. 2d. per lb. and bread which is 4½d. per lb.? Yet the housewife is charged 2s. 9½d. Cannot the right hon. and gallant Gentleman take steps to control the component parts of the humble sausage?

Major Lloyd George

I do not think anybody in my position has ever been able to control the components of the sausage. It is well known to be one of the most difficult and mysterious things in our daily life. The object of this Order was to improve the sausage, and I think it is doing so.

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