HC Deb 09 July 1952 vol 503 cc1309-10
41. Mr. Rankin

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what facilities were given to the Chinese Cultural Delegation on their visit to India at the invitation of the Indian Government when they passed through Hong Kong; and if he is aware that, on their return to China, the delegates were denied access to their friends in Hong Kong.

Mr. Lyttelton

The usual facilities were given to this delegation when it passed through Hong Kong, both on the outward and return journeys. There was no time limit on the delegates' stay, and they were not denied access to their friends in the Colony.

Mr. Rankin

I must ask the Minister to inquire into this a little more closely because my information, which is authentic, is that this delegation, on its return from India, was refused time to visit friends in Hong Kong. Would the Minister inquire more closely into it?

Mr. Lyttelton

I have already inquired and have given the hon. Gentleman the result of my inquiries. On its return from India the delegation had a great deal of luggage and they asked whether arrangements might be made for a special through coach to be attached to the train from Kowloon to the border. That request was granted and the necessary arrangements were made by the Government of Honk Kong. I think that is a sufficient answer to the hon. Gentleman.

Mr. Rankin

Would the Minister say whether or not it is true that this delegation was only allowed to remain in Hong Kong for two hours of the return journey?

Mr. Lyttelton

I have already said that there was no time limit on the delegates' stay.