HC Deb 07 July 1952 vol 503 c887
28. Mr. F. Willey

asked the Minister of Food whether the statement on the future purchase of bananas was made after consultation with the representatives of colonial suppliers; and what is the position regarding the present Government contract.

Major Lloyd George

My statement of 19th June was a preliminary to the consultations now starting. I am unable at this stage to make any further statement.

Mr. Willey

Does not the right hon. and gallant Gentleman realise that the banana growers are most apprehensive about their trade with this country and that it would have been far better if he had consulted them first and then made a statement?

Major Lloyd George

If the hon. Gentleman will look at the answer to which I have referred him he will see that I said that we must be satisfied, before we do anything at all, that the interests of the colonial growers are safeguarded. That is what I said and that is what I stick to.