HC Deb 02 July 1952 vol 503 cc401-2
6. Mr. Beswick

asked the Minister of Civil Aviation to what extent it is the practice of the airways Corporations to consult with him in regard to any proposal for a change in freight rates or mail-carrying rates.

Mr. Maudling

It is the normal practice of both Corporations to consult my right hon. Friend about proposals for changes in freight or mail rates.

Mr. Beswick

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say whether there have been any consultations about the changes in mail rates; and will he undertake to try to end the anomalous position under whch the short-haul operator is paid less than the long-haul operator?

Mr. Maudling

The final decision on mail rates does not rest with my right hon. Friend, but I can assure the hon. Gentleman that we are well aware of the importance of this to the Corporations, and we do keep in very close touch with the other authorities concerned.

Mr. Beswick

That is not quite good enough. Is the Parliamentary Secretary following on the good work of his predecessor in this matter?

Mr. Maudling

I should be delighted to follow on any of the good work of my predecessor.