HC Deb 02 July 1952 vol 503 c426
36. Mr. W. G. Bennett

asked the Minister of Food to what extent it is the Government's policy to restrict the granting of wholesale dealers licences in animal feedingstuffs to firms dealing in that commodity prior to 1939.

Dr. Hill

Before 1939, wholesale trading in imported feedingstuffs was combined with direct importing. The Government is now the sole importer and, so long as this position continues, restriction to pre-1939 traders materially reduces the costs of distribution. Additional licences are granted in appropriate cases for trading in home-produced feedingstuffs.

Mr. Bennett

Is the Minister not aware that at the moment his Department are restricting licences although firms have the materials available and are able to help the trade? Is it not the policy of the Government to free trade where possible?

Dr. Hill

It is the Government's policy to depart from the 1939 position in this matter of licensing, as in the matter of pre-war datum usage allocations. In this case, there are immense practical difficulties.