HC Deb 29 January 1952 vol 495 cc17-9
26. Mr. David Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what representations he has received from trade unions protesting against the decision of the Glasgow Town Council to sell 600 Corporation-owned houses; whether he is aware that many key-workers in the railway industry are applicants for the tenancy of Corporation houses; that if the decision to sell is authorised, railway applicants will be put far back in the list; and what action he proposes to take in this matter.

Mr. J. Stuart

I have seen representatives of the General Council of the Scottish Trade Union Congress on this matter.

I have told Glasgow Corporation that I am prepared to consent to the sale of the houses at Merrylee Road on the following conditions:

  1. (1) There must be a safeguard to prevent the purchasers from re-selling the houses at a profit.
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  3. (2) Sales should be confined to:
    1. (a) Tenants of existing houses belonging to the Corporation.
    2. (b) Persons needing accommodation for reasons of ill health, e.g., tuberculosis patients.
    3. (c) Persons on the Corporation's waiting lists who, in accordance with the customary procedure of the Corporation, would be offered Corporation houses within the next year.

Mr. Jones

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that there are many hundreds of key railwaymen and transport workers in Glasgow living in deplorable housing conditions who will now be put well back in the list? Is he aware that this may well result in many of the key transport jobs in and around Glasgow not being filled, because men will not accept them because the prospects of their getting houses is very remote?

Mr. Stuart

I hope that when the hon. Gentleman studies the conditions which I have just announced he will realise that these points have been taken very carefully into consideration. I hope that the very dangers to which he refers will be avoided.

Mr. Woodburn

Will the Minister tell us what means he has of enforcing the decision which he has made and these conditions which he has imposed upon Glasgow?

Mr. Stuart

The right hon. Gentleman knows that the actual allocation is a matter for the local authorities, but it rests with me to state the conditions under which the sale of houses will be approved. I do not wish to interfere unduly with housing authorities. One naturally has some respect for their duties and responsibilities as properly elected bodies.

Mr. John Rankin

May I ask for a little further enlightenment on condition (c)? Could the right hon. Gentleman say whether, if a person who is qualified for a house this year cannot afford to buy that house, he will lose his right altogether to a rented house?

Mr. Stuart

No, Sir. This is a small percentage of the total number of houses built by Glasgow Corporation. The whole object of the conditions which I have outlined is to ensure that people who would normally be offered a house will be offered a house. Those who wish to buy and are able to buy will have the opportunity of doing so.

Mr. James Carmichael

The right hon. Gentleman indicated that a certain number would be allocated to those people in the T.B. class. Has he any evidence from the records of the Glasgow Corporation of the incomes of people on the T.B. list? Can he give an indication of the number of persons in that category who will be permitted to purchase houses?

Mr. Stuart

No, Sir. I do not know the number, but if they are unable to purchase, then they will be offered houses to rent.

Mr. J. McGovern

Is the Secretary of State aware that with every house which now becomes vacant in Glasgow being offered for sale, and with these 622 houses being taken completely out of the pool, there will be comparatively few houses let to people with limited means? Is he also aware that a very small percentage indeed of the applicants for Corporation houses can afford to pay £3 or £4 a week for those houses? Will he not reconsider this scandalous decision about these houses?

Mr. Stuart

No, Sir. I cannot accept that this is a scandalous decision. I have taken great trouble to safeguard the position. It is not the case that every house which becomes vacant will be offered for sale. At the present time the Glasgow Corporation are dealing only with the Merrylee block. I hope that when hon. Members have considered this matter they will realise that the position will be safeguarded by the conditions I have announced.

Mr. Carmichael


Mr. McGovern

On a point of order. Owing to the unsatisfactory nature of this reply I shall take the earliest possible moment to raise this matter on the Adjournment.