HC Deb 27 February 1952 vol 496 cc1120-3
11 and 12. Mr. R. E. Winterbottom

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General (1) whether he will meet the National Guild of Telephonists to discuss the implementation of the Terrington Committee Report;

(2) what he proposes to do with the application for recognition by the National Guild of Motor Engineers in view of the recommendations of the Terrington Committee Report.

13. Sir Herbert Williams

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will give an assurance that effect will not be given to the Report of the Post Office Department Classes Recognition Committee before the Report has been discussed in this House.

14. Mr. Ness Edwards

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will now state what action he intends to take in relation to the Terrington Report on Trade Union Recognition within the Post Office.

15. Mr. James Johnson

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will inform the National Association of Postal and Telegraph Officers of the findings of the Terrington Committee; and if he will implement the findings.

17. Mr. R. E. Winterbottom

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what steps he proposes to take with regard to the Electrical Officers Telecommunications Association, in the light of the Terrington Committee Report.

27. Mr. Hobson

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what decision he has reached in regard to the recommendations of the Terrington Committee.

Mr. Gammans

My noble Friend is examining the Terrington Report and has asked interested associations to furnish him with any written comments which they may wish to offer. It is not proposed to take any action meanwhile.

Mr. Winterbottom

Will not the Assistant Postmaster-General agree that in the light of the Terrington Report the attitude of the last Government to splinter unions of the Post Office has been fully justified?

Mr. Gammans

I do not think that I ought to comment on the Terrington Report until my noble Friend has had a chance to examine it thoroughly and the comments which the interested bodies propose to make upon it.

Mr. Winterbottom

Will the Assistant Postmaster-General then consult his right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour with a view to posting employment vacancies to Mr. W. J. Brown?

Mr. Ness Edwards

May I ask the hon. Gentleman one or two questions? First, is he satisfied that this inquiry was conducted fairly and impartially; second, whether or not it is the intention of his noble Friend to convene a meeting of the recognised trade unions for the purpose of implementing or discussing the implementation of these recommendations, and, third, whether or not we can have an assurance that no recognition will be given to any splinter union until full discussions have taken place in accordance with the recommendations?

Mr. Gammans

My noble Friend is extremely gratified with the Report and very grateful to Lord Terrington and his colleagues for carrying out this investigation. Until my noble Friend has had a chance to consider it in all its implications, including the ones mentioned by the right hon. Gentleman, I prefer to make no further statement.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Does not the hon. Gentleman remember that when he and his colleagues were on this side of the House they pressed this matter as one of great urgency, and as his noble Friend has had this Report for six weeks, what is the reason for the delay?

Sir H. Williams

As my hon. Friend did not answer my specific question, is he aware that no action should be taken until there has been an opportunity to discuss it in this House?

Mr. Gammans

Whether there is a debate on the matter in this House is, of course, not a matter for me.

Sir H. Williams

That is not an answer to my question.

Mr. Hobson

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that many of these amalgamations of trade unions which are recommended in the Terrington Report would have taken place months ago had it not been for the attitude of himself and his hon. Friends oppositee?

Mr. Anthony Marlowe

Is the Assistant Postmaster-General aware that many of us regard with disfavour those parts of the Terrington Report which tend to place restriction on free associations, and those of us who held that view have not changed it since we changed from that side of the House to this.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

Further to the question of the hon. Member for Croydon, East (Sir H. Williams), will the Assistant Postmaster-General consult with the Leader of the House to see whether he can arrange a time to debate this subject?

Mr. Gammans

I think that hon. Members in all parts of the House had better wait until the final statement is made on this matter.

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