§ 3. Brigadier R. Medlicottasked the Minister of Food if his attention has been drawn to the need for a new bacon factory in Norfolk; and if he will give favourable consideration to the early construction of such a factory.
§ Major Lloyd GeorgeFoot and mouth disease restrictions recently delayed the killing of some pigs in Norfolk, but the facilities for dealing with pigs produced in the county are adequate under normal conditions. I doubt, therefore, whether capital expenditure on a new bacon factory there could be justified at present.
§ Brigadier MedlicottWill the Minister at least bear this possibility in mind not only for normal requirements, but because the recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease indicated that such a factory would have been of the greatest possible convenience and would have saved a great deal of food?
§ Major Lloyd GeorgeNormally, transport facilities from Norfolk to the Midlands, where the factories are situated, is quite satisfactory.