§ Mr. Patrick MaitlandI desire to present a humble Petition signed by 29 employees of British Road Services at the Symington Depot in the Constituency of Lanark.
The Petition shows that they foresee hardship and road safety hazards, in a decision by the Road Haulage Executive to remove 9 trucks to Carfin and close their Depot, adding two or more hours' travelling time to the burden of their 11 hour run as truck-drivers.
This is done in breach of pledges passed to me, their Parliamentary Representative, by the Chairman of the Road Haulage Executive, and the Chairman of the Transport Commission, the latter of whom has refused to receive me.
The Petition ends with the prayer:
Wherefore your petitioners pray that the decision of the Road Haulage Executive to remove vehicles from Symington and diminish or close the depot be reversed.And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.To lie upon the Table.