HC Deb 18 December 1952 vol 509 c1621
43. Mr. Peter Freeman

asked the Minister of Health whether. in view of the fact that he has asked for greater voluntary work in hospitals, he will grant greater control in the running of hospitals to the house committees as suggested by the Gwent Hospitals Contributory Scheme in a recent letter sent to him so as to ensure greater interest in the running of individual hospitals.

Mr. Iain Macleod

The appointment and functions of house committees must depend primarily on the nature of the hospital group and the views of the committee responsible for its management. I do not want to regulate this too much from the centre, but I share the view of my correspondent that house committees should not have financial powers. I welcome the fullest exercise by such committees of advisory and welfare functions and the inclusion on them of members of voluntary bodies interested in the local hospitals.

Mr. Freeman

Would the right hon. Gentleman consider whether further elasticity cannot be given to the house committees so that they can have representatives of local voluntary organisations upon them and so carry out the ideas that the Minister has in mind?

Mr. Macleod

That can be done, but I do not want to dictate to hospital management committees.