HC Deb 17 December 1952 vol 509 cc1389-90
40. Mr. Mulley

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he is aware that the usual time taken by parcel post from Sheffield to London is between two and three days; and if he will take steps to expedite this service.

Mr. Gammans

No, Sir; but if the hon. Member will let me have details of any case he has in mind I will have inquiry made.

Mr. Mulley

is the Minister not aware that the general reply which one receives from the officials at the Post Office is that this is the usual time to be expected for a parcel to be delivered, and, in view of this fact, will he take steps to expedite the service, or see that the officials give more satisfactory replies to inquiries?

Mr. Gammans

The hon. Gentleman's information is not correct. We have had exactly two complaints about delay in the delivery of parcels from Sheffield to London since last August. The matter is nothing like as serious as he suggests.

Mr. Mulley

One does not complain if one is told that this is the usual service. It is for the Post Office to take steps to expedite the general service, as complaints are only made if there is an exceptional delay over and above the normal delivery. It is the normal delivery which I want the hon. Gentleman to take steps to expedite.

Mr. W. R. Williams

Is it not time that the Minister got into discussion with the Railway Executive in order to bring back something more approximating the excellent pre-war service in connection with parcels?

Mr. Gammans

I have had inquiries made. I find that, under normal circumstances, it is usual for a parcel which is posted in Sheffield up to 5 p.m. to be delivered in London the following day.

Mr. Williams

I should like to press this point. That may be so. But I should like to ask the Minister what efforts are now being made to go back to the service which we had before the war, and which everyone acquainted with those times knows was a very good service.

Mr. Gammans

That might mean going back to certain conditions of service of which the hon. Gentleman would not approve.