HC Deb 16 December 1952 vol 509 c1166
5. Mr. Swingler

asked the President of the Board of Trade if Her Majesty's Government will consult with other Governments which are parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade about the desirability of modifying the agreement so as to permit the introduction of discriminatory tax reliefs in favour of the exhibition of home-produced films.

Mr. Mackeson

No, Sir. If the industry were to make representations these would be considered. The general taxation principle and questions of international trade involved would also have to be taken into account.

Mr. Swingler

Has the hon. Gentleman studied the Italian scheme, which, I believe, is being discussed in the industry at present? Why is it that the Italians, who suffer much less from powerful Hollywood competition, can carry out such a scheme without there being any hullabaloo about G.A.T.T., and yet it cannot be done in this country?

Mr. Mackeson

As I have already told the hon. Gentleman, if the industry wishes to make representations to us on this subject we shall be pleased to receive them.