HC Deb 10 December 1952 vol 509 cc452-3
23. Mr. Beswick

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the names of the committee responsible for the administration of the Uganda Cotton Price Stabilisation Fund; how they are appointed; what directive is given them with regard to the disbursement of excess funds; and for what objects disbursements have been made in the past two years.

Mr. Lyttelton

The Uganda Government themselves administer this fund, which by resolution of the Legislative Council was closed last year at a total of £20 million. The balance of approximately £5 million was credited to the African Development Fund, for the use of which a Select Committee of the Legislative Council has recommended the allocations which I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT. That Committee consisted of two official and all the unofficial members of the Legislature.

Mr. Beswick

This is an enormous sum of money. Is there not a tremendous amount of work which could be done now in Uganda with the expenditure of a very small sum of money for technical assistance and so on? Will the right hon. Gentleman ensure that a proportion of the Fund is allocated for that purpose?

Mr. Lyttelton

When the hon. Member sees the list he will realise that his general ideas are being carried out.

Following is the information:

The Select Committee has recommended the following allocations from the Uganda Cotton Price Assistance Fund:

Acquisition of Ginneries 1,000,000
Special Scholarships Funds 200,000
Development of Technical Training 2,000,000
Expansion of Primary Teacher Training 152,030
Community Development 500,000
Local Government and Community Development Training Centre 350,000
Commercial College 8,000
Loan to Nakivubo Sports Grounds 61,000

Approximately £725,000 still remains to he allocated.