HC Deb 09 December 1952 vol 509 cc213-4
4. Mrs. Mann

asked the Secretary of State for War how far the factors originally determining the call-up of Z reservists, namely, specialised knowledge, first out, first back and location of training near home, have been operated in respect of all the men called to serve.

Mr. Head

Selection of Z reservists to train in 1952 was governed by qualification for the particular job; the principle of last out, first back; and, in the case of Territorial Army units, the location of the drill hall.

Mrs. Mann

Is the Minister aware that I have asked how far these factors determining the call-up have been operating, because there is a great deal of criticism that men do not possess specialist knowledge, that we do not adhere to the "last out, first back" principle, and that we are not posting men near their homes?

Mr. Head

I can only answer for my own period during the Z Reserve call-up, and my experience is that one criticism was mainly on the geographical side. We did a good deal to get men called up in the areas where they live, so that there was a chance of their joining a Territorial Army unit afterwards. As far as the other two points are concerned, I am not claiming—and I do not think my predecessor would claim—that the call-up was perfect, but those were the two principles which were aimed at. Although sometimes they were not achieved, an attempt was made to make them 100 per cent. successful.