HC Deb 08 December 1952 vol 509 cc16-8
19. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs which countries are members of the Committee of Control for Tangier; and which participated in the discussions which have resulted in agreement on proposed revisions of the 1945 Agreement.

Mr. Nutting

The members of the Committee of Control are: France, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal.

All these countries took part in the recent discussions.

Mr. Davies

Is it not a fact that under the 1945 Agreement the U.S.S.R. participated in the Committee of Control? What is her position now with regard to it?

Mr. Nutting

She has shown no interest whatsoever in the international administration of Tangier. The answer which I have given lists those countries which are participating.

Mr. Davies

Have the U.S.S.R. never participated in that Committee of Control?

20. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what amendments have been made by the Committee of Control in Tangier to the 1945 Agreement; and whether the Sultan has yet given his approval thereto.

Mr. Nutting

I would refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave him on 1st December. A reply is still awaited from the Sultan and no details can be made public until his views have been received.

Mr. Davies

In that reply the hon. Gentleman did not tell the House exactly what changes have been made in this agreement. Could he tell the House what they are, either by way of a White Paper Or the OFFICIAL REPORT?

Mr. Nutting

When the recommendations have been put to and approved by the Sultan, as I hope they will be, I shall be happy to give full information to the House, either in the form of a White Paper, or a statement or answers to Questions.

Mr. Davies

Can the hon. Gentleman tell us the extent to which the Spanish regime is given an increased influence in the administration of Tangier, and what justification there is for Franco Spain being brought into the administration?

Mr. Nutting

In answer to a Question he put last week, I told the hon. Gentleman that the object of the changes suggested is to make the administration of Tangier more international. As he is no doubt aware, under the 1945 Agreement and the 1928 Agreement and the 1923 Statute, Spain had certain rights and a certain position in the international administration. We are trying to get back to the position under the 1928 Agreement, which gave an international administration to Tangier.

Mr. G. Jeger

Is the Under-Secretary aware that all these gestures of appeasement to Franco Spain are being received in the country with a great deal of disgust and disappointment?

Mr. Nutting

There has been no gesture of appeasement to Franco Spain in this matter. Both Franco Spain and pre-Franco Spain, if I may use the term, have engaged in the administration in Tangier for many years. This is an international administration and we are trying to make it more workable and more international.

Mr. Davies

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I propose to raise the matter on the Adjournment.