HC Deb 29 April 1952 vol 499 c1210
19. Mr. Frederick Mulley

asked the Minister of Labour under what circumstances his regulations permit deferment of National Service to be granted on the ground of industrial need in the national interest.

Sir W. Monckton

Deferment on these grounds is granted to coalminers; to agricultural workers employed on small farms whose immediate withdrawal would cause a substantial loss of food production; to agricultural stockmen whose withdrawal would cause a substantial reduction in the livestock on the farm; and to ex-apprentices in certain highly skilled occupations employed on specified re-armament projects of the highest priority.

Mr. Mulley

Will the Minister also give consideration to framing his regulations to permit deferment of key workers in the export industries, whose withdrawal means the inability of the firms to complete their export orders, in view of the fact that he stated—I think rightly—that exports should have equal priority with defence?

Sir W. Monckton

I wish that I could hold out hope of further extensions of deferment, but it is my duty to find the men who are wanted for National Service, and it is only with great difficulty that we have been able to make the very specialised exceptions to which I have referred.

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