HC Deb 21 April 1952 vol 499 c9
8. Mr. James MacColl

asked the Minister of Transport how many times during 1952 the Widnes-Runcorn transporter bridge has been closed; how many hours of carrying time have been lost; and what steps he takes to warn traffic to take alternative routes across the River Mersey.

Mr. Maclay

I am informed that this bridge has been closed four times this year for a total of 37 hours. I understand that on such occasions the bridge authority notifies the principal regular users, the police authorities and the motoring organisations and that alternative routes are signposted.

Mr. MacColl

Does the right hon. Gentleman not agree that it was most unfortunate for this vital transporter bridge to be closed as frequently as this in the course of only a few months, and will he take steps for the completion of the building of the new bridge, and prevent this hold up?

Mr. Maclay

As the hon. Gentleman knows, I am very conscious of the problems in connection with this bridge, but the great difficulty is to get the materials at a time of acute shortage. As I hope he realises, I am watching the position as closely as possible, and as soon as anything can be done it will be done, but, unfortunately, I can hold out no immediate hopes.

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